Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are we ashamed of the gospel?

I've been reflecting recently on the responsibility we all have to make disciples of people who are not currently in relationship with Jesus. I know that in my embracing of post modern values some years ago, (many of them good), I essentially threw out my responsibility to proclaim the Gospel in favour of just living and demonstrating it. The problem has been – that decision has not proved very fruitful in terms of seeing people come to faith!

God has been taking me through a process of repentance – changing my wrong thinking, and challenging me to step out in faith in accordance with the truth of His Word.

Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, therefore go & make disciples..." (Matt 18 & 19)

It's easy to miss this vital part of the great commission Jesus has given us to make disciples - the fact that the absolute authority given to Jesus has, in turn, been given to us! Therefore, we should not be apologetic in our proclamation (and demonstration) of the Gospel. We speak with the full weight of authority of the King of the Universe, and it's reassuring to know the command also comes with a promise; He is with us always.

Paul says in Roms 1:16, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation…"

And in vs 15, "I am so eager to preach to Gospel to you…"

Is this something we can say is true of us?

It's interesting to reflect on where shame and fear re; proclaiming the Gospel have paralysed us...Our own culture can intimidate us....many of us have worked so hard at being perceived as "normal" because we've thought people would receive our message better that way, but in the process have neglected the fact we still have a truth to tell. And this truth will get us into trouble – the early church were never in trouble for feeding the poor and rarely in trouble for healing people – the opposition came when they "spoke in His name"! The need for "Courage under Fire" springs to mind!

Satan does not want us to speak up because he knows the Gospel message IS the power of God for salvation! Jesus didn't say,

"Go into all the world and befriend people."

He said,

"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." (Mark 16:15)

Signs and wonders accompanied and confirmed this spoken Word. (See Mark 16:20)

I'm convinced our confidence in the power of the spoken Gospel (not just the Gospel demonstrated through loving actions or even healings) needs to be refreshed. As does our confidence in the simplicity of the Gospel – Paul did not use clever arguments designed to impress people, on the contrary he preached the simple message that God justifies the ungodly by faith. - That's it!

It's true that timing is important and this takes discernment - we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us recognise the times to sow and the times to reap. We don't want to fall into the trap on the other side of the pendulum swing of pushing people to pray prayers before they are ready or declaring them Christians when they haven't yet understood or responded to the invitation to discipleship. But this is not the challenge for the majority of us.

For most of us, the challenge is more likely to include repenting of being ashamed of the Gospel message & stepping out in renewed faith & confidence in it's (Jesus') power to save.

If this resonates with you, I'd encourage to engage with this process, both personally and in your communities. My prayer is that we will all do business with God on this, and ask Him to replace our fear and shame with His love, faith & courage! Amen.

written by Linz

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