Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Blog Arrived!

Starting from October 2010, there will be a new blog appearing here every week, packed with stories, encouragements, insights, reflections and challenges for anyone who might be exploring, involved in or leading missional communities wherever you are in the UK or beyond...

The blogs will be written by a team based at St Thomas Church in Sheffield and Westwood Church in Coventry, who are passionate about resourcing churches and individuals to get stuck into mission in their context; and the blogs will be themed into the following areas:
Discipleship - Mission - Community - Church - Covenant - Kingdom

As the blogs start appearing, you'll be able to search by theme as well as by date.  You can also subscribe to this blog using RSS, or follow us on our Facebook page or Twitter profile, where links to every new blog will automatically appear.

We look forward to you joining the conversation!