Loads of people say, "Oh, I'm not creative at all" - and it's complete rubbish! We are ALL made in the image of a creative God who lives in us and we are therefore ALL creative. But creativity is so much broader than we think. It's about knowing who we are and being released to live that out. There are so many ways in which we differ from one another and bring a different perspective or gift. We need to realise that creativity is not just about painting! And it shouldn't just be limited to the prayer/worship slot either - we need to be creative in where we make space for creativity! For example, there may be people in our communities who have new and exciting ideas for a social activity we could do together.
Having space for creativity in our communities releases us to be who God has made us to be and can also be a great opportunity for people to step up into leadership. Community members can take responsibility for a particular aspect of our community life (worship, prayer, food, a social activity, Bible study ...) but with the freedom to lead it in a way they're comfortable with. This releases them from the pressure of doing things the way they 'should' be done and feels a lot less daunting. Communities are a great place for this as they are a smaller group of people who already know us and support us. Our communities are safe and secure (hopefully!) and we can be who we are and have the confidence to try something new in them. They allow us freedom to risk and fail as well as a place to learn from our failures.
Releasing creativity in our communities brings freedom as we learn to be comfortable with who God has made us to be. It can be incredibly powerful and even lead to freedom in other areas. As we risk and experiment in one aspect of our faith (with the support of a community) it can empower us to be adventurous in other ways. (See Ben's post about The Ordinary Adventure.)
This isn't to say that things should be different just for the sake of it. Creativity comes from knowing who we are - it's a way to live out our uniqueness, not a case of doing something new just because it's different. It is also important to have a framework based on our vision and values and the balance of Up-In-Out (the Triangle lifeshape). But the framework provides a support for freedom and creativity which allows our communities to stay flexible and open to God's leading. Instead of being tied into a set way of doing things and building an unchanging structure, our communities can be innovative and experimental and organic. They become more multipliable because they are not limited to the small number of people who lead in the same way. If nothing else, a community where creativity is released is interesting!
And because we are all different and our own communities are different, I'm sure that the way you release creativity in yours is different to how I would in mine! We need to learn from each other - How have you given room for creativity in your community? How have you encouraged your community members to know who they are and live it out? Which ideas have worked well and which haven't? Let's encourage each other to live creatively - knowing who we are and living it out freely.
Picture by Francesco Marino from www.freedigitalphotos.net
Love this, thanks Pip. I'd love to see us exploring more creative ways, in our communities, of becoming like the creator.